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Obama - "To the people of Egypt, particularly the young people of Egypt, I want to be clear: We hear your voices". Funny this same...
HOPE - Should in NO way be tied to financial need nor should it be for Day Care- It is a REWARD to GOOD students for COLLEGE...not need base...
Union benefits in the public sector are supported by raising the price of the service or product produced by that Union Group...but the cost...
Reminder... Valentines Day is Monday - So guys, stop by today and grab a card and a gift...you don't want to be at WalMart at 5:30 on Mo...
REMEMBER THIS FROM THE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE?- "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity t...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Satan just got Him Another Name On His List....
So a thug goes into the office of our old church on Memorial Drive and attacks a lone woman worker setting up for church...maggot, you may think your jail time is gonna suck..but that special seat in hell that Satan just pushed a little closer to the fire will make jail seem like a rap party.....just thinkin'
Friday, February 25, 2011
Unions Do Not Have a Place in Guvm't
Union benefits in the public sector are supported by raising the price of the service or product produced by that Union Group...but the costs of the Union benefits in guvm't can only be supported by one thing..increase in taxes...just thinkin'
Old Drugs Holding up Executions - I Have an Idea
What is up with the problem with expired lethal injection drugs and the such holding up executions...???
Dear Dept. of Corrections - Enclosed is a complimentary 22 caliber hollow point bullet, cost of about 5 cents...please use this in place of you old drugs...if I need to loan you the gun, I can supply one promptly. Signed - Fed up Law Abiding Citizen
PS - I really think you should use the air tool the hit man used in that movie..No Country for Old Men"...just thinkin'
Dear Dept. of Corrections - Enclosed is a complimentary 22 caliber hollow point bullet, cost of about 5 cents...please use this in place of you old drugs...if I need to loan you the gun, I can supply one promptly. Signed - Fed up Law Abiding Citizen
PS - I really think you should use the air tool the hit man used in that movie..No Country for Old Men"...just thinkin'
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Get The UN to the Front...
I think the UN could do a much better job of solving world problems if their office was in Somali, Libya, or Iran...might make them work a little harder if their surroundings were a hell hole as opposed to plush New York offices...just thinkin'
Time to Kill Some Pirates...and Not the Jimmy Buffet kind!
"The killing of four Americans in a yacht hijacked by Somali pirates puzzled some experts, who say it's rare for pirates to kill their hostages..they are out there to make money"..Well my opinion is dead pirates don't take hostages or make money...4 dead Americans, 4 Tomahawk missiles...400 dead pirates...these sub-human, low-life, maggots are a pimple on the butt of the earth....pop it..just thinkin'
Finish the Job Next Time!!!
General Patton said we should have roiled on into Russia and took out Stalin, Schwartzkopf tried to go into Baghdad in the first gulf war to get Saddam Hussein ...and now we have Muammar al-Gaddafi ..who we should have carpet bombed when Reagan was in office...one of theses days we'll learn from our mistakes and finish the job....just thinkin'
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
FDR knew the Dangers of Unions in Government...
"The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service," Roosevelt wrote in 1937 to the National Federation of Federal Employees. Yes, public workers may demand fair treatment, wrote Roosevelt. But, he wrote, "I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place" in the public sector. "A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government."....So one of the biggest Pro-Union Presidents recognized this danger long ago..but the masses missed it...just thinkin'
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Middle East Riots????...or as DC Calls It, Progress...???
Obama and a lot of others in Washington are commenting on the protest in the Middle East saying "we have heard your voices", .."a change is coming for the good".."..the young people have spoken"....did I miss something or are these the same people that used such words a "lunatics", "hate mongers", "radicals", "the enemies" to describe the Tea Party gatherings last year??...should the Tea Party people have burned some buildings, rioted, or what to get the favorable review from the Hill???..... just thinkin'
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
You Tax Dollars pay for Smoke Breaks...
QUESTION: You pay $100 for a massage, therapists visit, golf lesson or tennis lesson...so would you be mad if during the session the person took a 10 minute smoke break while on your dime?....then why should Guvm't employees take 5 smoke breaks a day??...it's on the time you are paying for - the wasted time over the years is staggering...and private industry is different...you don't pay Coke's overhead...just thinkin'
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Screen EVRYONE That Enters a Jail for Immigration Status!!!!
OK, so the creep that stabbed his two kids was an illegal ALIEN & had been thru the county jails several times on speeding and motor vehicle violations...HAD we checked his Immigrations status, he would have been back in Honduras instead of in the kid's bedroom.... someone want to tell me why he should be in MY country??..If you screen EVERYONE, teh profile argument went out the window!!!.........just thinkin'
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Golf and Cialis
They say GOLF has 18 holes because a bottle of liquor has 18 shots...Watching golf now, I am bombarded by Cialis adds...anyone else notice that a round of golf takes around 4 hours and the disclaimer of the Cialis Ad says "If the erection last 4 hours or longer, call a doctor"..coincidence???....jus t thinkin'
Ask Yourself This......
Before you go to bed at night, look in a mirror and ask, "Did I make anyone smile today?", and if not you need to try harder tomorrow.
And when you get up..look in the mirror and say "Am I going to be responsible for my own actions today...and if not, please go back to bed"...
And when you get up..look in the mirror and say "Am I going to be responsible for my own actions today...and if not, please go back to bed"...
Friday, February 11, 2011
Valentine's Day on Monday - Dudes, Plan ahead!
Reminder... Valentines Day is Monday - So guys, stop by today and grab a card and a gift...you don't want to be at WalMart at 5:30 on Monday and end up buying the only card left (usually will not match your ethic background) and a open box of candy...and classifying the family jewels as a gift will not fly...just thinkin'
Thursday, February 10, 2011
New Foreign Aid Program - Pay it Forward or Stand on Your Own??
Foreign Aid Needed!! The blizzard in the North and Midwest is a national emergency..I assume that we will be seeing bus loads of 9th ward loafers, Chilean miners, Haitian-Turkish-Chinese Earthquake survivors head to the Midwest with snow shovels and snow blowers paying in forward in the arena of US foreign Aid....just thinkin'
Obama Believes American Companies "OWE" this Country...
Obama on American companies : "They should set up shop here, and hire our workers, and pay decent wages, and invest in the future of this nation. That’s their obligation.”...HATE TO TELL YOU THIS DUDE, BUT YOU ARE WRONG!...The social obligation of business is to sustainably maximize long-term profits for shareholders. They don't owe you crap!......just thinkin'
US Postal Service...About is Useful as Dial Up Internet!
Can anyone present an argument as to why we still need the United States Post office? It 's time has come and gone...and if you think we need them for just certain things, well we still don't need delivery of snail mail more than 3 days a week..just thinkin'
MARTA Spending your money, and not on transportation...
MARTA, Atlanta's Joke of a Public Transportation system (Designed to move moochers without cars as opposed to taking cars off the road) - Protesters hit the streets when service was scaled back or cut...Marta was even going to close public restroom to save money...where are you now?? ...An external audit revealed lavish expenditures by the management of MARTA - TV's, DVD players, Bose Head Phones...you should be calling for their heads...but this wasn't reported on TMZ or Entertainment Tonight so you don't know about it, do you?....just thinkin'
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Keith Oberman, He Just Couldn't Stay Away
Keith Oberman - gone but not forgotten - has cut a deal with Current TV, the cable network co-founded by former Vice President Al Gore. Olbermann's show should have heated one on one debates - literally, there is only one viewer... Al Gore...birds of a feather, dumb down together....just thinkin'
Impact by Flight of illegals on Agriculture in GA??
Stated in a hearing that "The GA state’s $68.8 billion agricultural industry depends heavily on migrant labor." ..and that if illegals were driven away, the industry would take a hit.. QUESTION - What would the offset be to the increase in the GA's treasury if illegals in ALL industries actually paid taxes like you and me...just thinkin'
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Dennis Kucinich - Helping increase the costs of Health Care!!!
Democrat Dennis Kucinich is suing the operators of the Capitol's cafeteria for more than $150,000, claiming he cracked a tooth on an olive pit embedded in a sandwich wrap....QUESTION - Is this one of the boys touting Obama's Health Care Reform Act? Does he not know that one of the major reasons Health Care costs have skyrocketed is the lack of Tort Reform.. dumb ass....just thinkin'
Friday, February 4, 2011
First Post...I'm new at this....but let's stir up some stuff!
Obama - "To the people of Egypt, particularly the young people of Egypt, I want to be clear: We hear your voices". Funny this same President took a completely different approach when he heard the voices of the US voters in November... just thinkin'
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